Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God indivisible
with liberty and justice for all.
Constitution of the United States of America
Article IV; Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in the Union,
a republican form of government….
Surprised there was no mention of democracy?
Let’s take a quick look at the difference between a Representative Republic and a Representative Democracy.
A Republic is a government by law.
A Democracy is a government by majority rule.
A Representative of a Republic (Congressman etc.) is an elected official whose duty it is to make up the laws.
A Representative of a Democracy is an elected official who is to do, as hose who elected him want him to do.
Under a Representative Republic the most important qualification for election is to be a moral man so he can uphold the law and understand hat would make a good law. Good laws are based on morals.
Under a Representative Democracy the most important qualification for election is that the one running for election be solely interested in serving the public welfare and that he have no interest above the public welfare.
Under a Representative Republic the representative is to uphold that which is right regardless of what the majority wants.
Under a Representative Democracy the representative is to do what the people want regardless of what’s right.
Under a Representative Republic you are looking for the most moral man.
Under a Representative Democracy you are looking for an amoral man. That is, a man who would not have morals standing in the way of the majorities will.
Although this country is supposed to be a Representative Republic, the people have been made to believe it is a Representative Democracy. In the recent past when the people have gone to the polls they have looked for the man who promised he would give the people what they wanted. The moral man who said, “ You can’t have what you want because we would have to steal it from someone else.” Didn’t have a chance.
So if you wonder why we no longer have statesmen for representatives, its probably because you haven’t been looking for statesmen but have been looking for so called, “public servants”, who are one step away from common criminals looking for the opportunity to serve themselves.
This is a Republic not a Democracy. Look for the moral man.