Corona-Virus Debate

We have a very diverse set of positions in this country that are dominated by a number of situations such as: what TV programming is being watched; with which church one is affiliated; whether one is conservative or socialist; and whether one is a democrat or republican.

We are mostly concerned with the difference between a democracy and a republic with the main point being that our country is to be a republic and not a democracy.

Let’s show which form of government would back which position. The main issue is, how far do you go to fight a virus?

Those standing for a republic, firstly and fore-mostly want to stay within the framework of the law, while looking after individual rights. Lives are critical but within boundaries. People are allowed to drive cars and at high speeds even though deaths will occur and will do so especially at higher speeds. The well-being of the total society is taken into account. A value is put on life in dollars and cents so one can get a better handle on how much should be spent on such things as guardrails. A republic tends to take things as they come and not do a bunch of forward planning because so much can be wasted in time and money.

Democracy, on the other hand, is ideally looking to represent the people, as opposed to the law (constitution) but in reality, the man representing the democracy almost always has his own agenda. A representative of democracy quite often believes in socialism which is treasonous to a republic because socialism stands against the constitution which is there to safeguard the rights of the people. A democracy is interested in buying as many votes as it can (with state funds). Being inclined to socialism, a democracy usually does not mind doing something which will support the downfall of free-enterprise so they can, theoretically, institute a more perfect socialistic society.

So when it comes to shutting down businesses, for whatever reason especially if one can claim that lives are at stake, those who are representative of democracy will work to extend the shut-down and the representative of a republic will work to restore life to normalcy in order to safeguard individual rights and protect the economy.

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